PyLearn / The First Touch

Welcome to PyLearn! Here you will learn what is Python? Its basics and run many programs in Python. So without wasting any time, lets gets started!!

Python is an object-oriented high-level scripting language. It has a very simple syntax and is used by rookies and professionals alike. It is a very powerful language backed with with a vast community of developers and enthusiasts. Its functionality can extended even further by downloading various Python packages and importing them to your projects. Look at the following statements:

# include <iostream>

    int main() {

        std::cout << “This prints a statement”;

        return 0;


public class print {

    public static void main(String[] args){

        System.out.println(“This prints a statement”);



print(“This prints a statement”)

In the preceding lines you are seeing 3 programs in 3 different languages. The first one is C++, next one is Java and the last one is Python. I am not going to explain what they do in this lesson but all the programs have the same function, all print a line:

This prints a statement

By now you must have understood that why is Python so famous for use by beginners. It does the same function in a much concise manner than other languages. It is also harnessed by scientists and engineers to perform large calculations; used for software development with the help of packages such as Tk, PyQt5, etc; it can even be used for web development by packages like Django and Flask.

In the next lesson I will explain the ‘print’ statement. Thanks!!

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